Job Safety Checklist
Staying safe on the job can prevent you from missing work, suffering life-altering injuries and having to deal with worker compensation claims---not to mention, keeping you in good standing with the...
View ArticleOSHA Oxygen Concentration Standards
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has developed standards that provide protection of the health and safety of American workers. These standards specify the minimum oxygen concentration...
View ArticleAsbestos Emergency Procedures
Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous material that is used for fireproofing and in electrical work. When inhaled through the lungs, asbestos causes lung disease or asbestosis cancer. Due to the...
View ArticleOSHA Extension Cord Requirements
A worker operating a router with an extension cord that is spliced, not grounded and not rated for hard service is in danger of being electrocuted and killed. All three of these factors violate the...
View ArticleOSHA Stair Regulations in Texas
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is responsible for administering and enforcing workplace conditions and establishing guidelines for state laws to prevent employee injuries and...
View ArticleInnovative Safety Topics
The U.S. Department of Labor reports that 3.5 million people in America are injured on the job every year. Another 13 million suffer a disabling injury while at home, according to the National Safety...
View ArticleRF Radiation Safety Limits
Radiofrequency radiation is a non-ionizing form of energy transfer via electric and magnetic fields. Although it is not as biologically hazardous as the ionizing radiation emitted from radioactive...
View ArticleOSHA First Responder Training
OSHA does not require first responder training. However, guidelines for first responder training are provided with OSHA's basic elements of first aid training. Training includes assessing the scene and...
View ArticleFarm Safety Checklist
There are many reasons why farm safety differs from that of a home or other sorts of business. Farms stock different chemicals, including fertilizers, can have large equipment or machinery and may...
View ArticleHow to Implement Workplace Health Safety & Security Procedures
Each workplace has to comply with health and safety regulations, but workplaces vary, and the specific policies relevant to each must be set down, implemented and monitored. There are rules on health...
View ArticleWood Chipper Safety Issues
Wood chippers should never be operated by people lacking proper safety training. Chippers can speed the the cleanup of downed limbs or storm damage, but they are also very dangerous. Wood chippers must...
View ArticleUnique Safety Topics
Many conscientious people take safety seriously when driving a car, repairing a light fixture or mowing a lawn. When it comes to safety in schools, workplaces, cyberspace and while on vacation,...
View ArticleWhat Are the Dangers of Toner Exposure?
Laser printers use what is known as “toner cartridges” to help deliver printed copy to the page. Anyone who has ever changed a toner cartridge knows the cartridges do not contain liquid ink, but rather...
View ArticleHow to Make Safety Bingo for Work
Safety bingo is a motivational game that increases safety awareness in the workplace. The concept is similar to traditional bingo. Each employee receives a bingo card at the beginning of the game and...
View ArticleSafety Manager Requirements
All industries are concerned with their safety records. Companies want to keep injuries and illnesses at a minimum so that insurance rates do not climb, so that productivity does not suffer because of...
View ArticleOSHA List of Fire Hazards
The Occupational Safety & Health Administration, or OSHA, performs the task of making sure that conditions at job sites prove safe to the workers employed there. OSHA accomplishes this duty by...
View ArticleMarine Corps Safety
The Marine Corps trains its members to minimize risks and to be safe in all aspects of their daily duties. Accident prevention through education, accountability and data analysis helps to keep Marines...
View ArticleElectrical Pallet Jack Safety
Electric pallet jacks are like small forklifts and operators must receive the same level of training in order to operate them. These units move smaller loads, but present many of the same dangers, as...
View ArticleSafety Requirements for Maintenance of Electrical & Electronic Equipment
Electrical and electronic equipment require near constant maintenance and attention to ensure that they are functioning properly and in a safe manner. Electrically powered equipment that is not working...
View ArticleSafety Shower Test Requirements
Drenching facilities, including emergency showers and eyewashes, are required for any facility that has corrosives on site. The U.S. Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) requires...
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