Elements of Safety Program Management Reports
One of the many duties of a safety director or coordinator is to make periodic reports to the management team. These reports must contain certain elements common to all safety programs. In addition,...
View ArticlePPE Standard Regulations
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is a requirement in various work environments to safeguard workers from hazards. Hazards such as chemicals, radiation and electric and mechanical threats can cause...
View ArticleHighway Maintenance Safety
Highway maintenance can involve a number of hazards to workers. Some of these include passing traffic, injuries and even death. Safety has to be a number one priority and standards for safe work...
View ArticleOSHA Pneumatic Requirements
The U.S. Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) "ensures safe and healthful working conditions ... by setting and enforcing standards," according to OSHA's mission statement on the "About...
View ArticleOSHA Pipeline Regulations
The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) establishes the rules and regulations for the safety of workers under the authority of the United States Code (USC). OSHA guidelines for...
View ArticleTypes of Eye & Face Protectors
Safety is of primary concern when working with materials that create dust, fumes or toxins. All eye and face protectors are not created equal. There are different types of equipment to meet various...
View ArticleMSDS Safety & Training Materials
MSDS Safety and Training is covered under OSHA, 29 CFR 1910.1200 "Hazard Communication." This standard gives the requirements for labeling, a designated HazCom area for MSDS, personal protective...
View ArticleNRTL OSHA Regulations
An NRTL is a National Recognized Testing Laboratory. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety standards require testing and approval of certain products by a NRTL (see References 2)....
View ArticleSafety Induction Procedures
Occupational health and safety is essential to the well-being of all employees. The safety induction process informs employees of their responsibility to adhere to safe practices at all times. Each...
View ArticleOSHA Climbing Safety
The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) sets standards for workplace safety, including ladder and stairway-climbing safety. By creating these safety standards, OSHA ensures climbing...
View ArticleAre Safety Glasses 100% Effective?
Proper use of safety glasses do prevent most eye injuries, but they are not 100% effective. Because all materials, including plastic, have a yield point, it is possible for an object moving at a...
View ArticleThe Effects of Sandblasting With Silica
Sandblasting with silica is a common method for smoothing irregularities and cleaning paint from buildings, bridges, ship hulls and other metal and stone surfaces. Working with silica, which is a hard,...
View ArticleWorkplace Health & Safety Risks Processing Aluminum
Aluminum processing in the initial stage is peformed in three basic steps: first, mined bauxite is converted into aluminum oxide; second, aluminum oxide is processed into aluminum; and third, the...
View ArticleOSHA Ergonomic Regulations
The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) has published voluntary guidelines on ergonomics for four industries. Since these are guidelines, not regulations, OSHA uses the General Duty...
View ArticleSafety Precautions With Radiation
Radiation energy involves the transfer of energy from a source to a material or object, according to the University of California. In the process, the object absorbs this energy, which can potentially...
View ArticleSafety Topics for the Cement Industry
For those who prefer to have variable schedules, work with their hands and contribute to construction projects, becoming a cement mason or similar role might be an ideal career choice. In addition to...
View ArticleWhat You Need to Know for DOT Alcohol & Drug Testing
The U.S. Department of Transportation reports that the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991 was introduced by Congress to provide drug testing for transportation employees after a number...
View ArticleHow to Report an Army Accident
The U.S. Army has clear guidelines and procedures for the reporting of an Army related accident. Such cases might pertain either to human injury or to damage delivered upon Army property, structures,...
View ArticleOSHA Tornado Warning Regulations
A tornado can develop without much warning or when weather conditions give plenty of time to take action. The action to stay safe in a workplace needs to start long before a disaster threatens or hits....
View ArticleSafety Hazard Definition
Safety hazards can pop up at the most inopportune times, so it is essential to always be on the lookout for them. Identifying hazards ahead of time can prevent accidents and injuries in the workplace,...
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